Course guide of Urban Design 2 (2091138)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 20/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Architecture


Technology, Engineering and Architecture


Planificación Urbana, Ordenación del Territorio y del Paisaje


Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio I

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Compulsory course

Teaching staff


  • Francisco Sergio Campos Sánchez. Grupos: C y E
  • Rafael Reinoso Bellido. Grupos: B y D


  • Francisco Sergio Campos Sánchez Grupos: 3 y 5
  • Rafael Reinoso Bellido Grupos: 2 y 4

Timetable for tutorials

Francisco Sergio Campos Sánchez

  • First semester
    • Monday de 15:30 a 21:30 (Etsa/Online (Previa Cita) Scampos@Ugr.Es)
  • Second semester
    • Monday de 15:30 a 21:30 (Etsa/Online (Previa Cita) Scampos@Ugr.Es)

Rafael Reinoso Bellido

  • First semester
    • Tuesday de 08:30 a 14:30 (Despacho Etsa O/Y Online)
  • Second semester
    • Tuesday
      • 08:30 a 10:30 (Despacho Etsa O/Y Online)
      • 19:30 a 21:30 (Despacho Etsa O/Y Online)
    • Wednesday de 09:30 a 11:30 (Despacho Etsa O/Y Online)

Prerequisites of recommendations

It is recommended to have passed subjects in graphic expression and projects before taking this subject.

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

  • Urban planning, spatial and landscape planning. Environment: ecology and sustainability.
  • Theoretical bases for urban culture. History of Urban Planning oriented towards the help of the project in the contemporary city. Reference to living chapters of history and therefore showing fundamental attention to the last 30 years. Knowledge of the general framework, social, economic and cultural framework in which the construction of the city and of the territory is involved.
  • Theoretical underpinnings of the mechanism of situational rent generation, social relations between very different groups and individuals, and the experiences of the world that are between very different groups and individuals, and the experiences of the world that are reshaping cities and territories, as well as the role of the urban reconfiguring cities and territories, as well as the role of the architect-urbanist as a mediating agent between economy and society, citizenship and government.
  • Forms of urban growth and development. Adequacy and design of the historic city and heritage. Urban project and public space. Criteria and instruments.
  • Planning of residential uses. The organisation of facilities and services. The productive, industrial and tourist uses. Mobility.
  • Methods for the study of symbolisation processes, practical functions and ergonomics; comfort of mobility in the city, public and collective space, its relationship with the private sphere and its levels of activity, construction of spaces of symbolic and cultural value.
  • Methods for the study of social needs, quality of life, liveability and basic housing programmes.
  • Methods of representation and analysis for the project.
  • Criteria and instruments for the design of residential neighbourhoods and the study of exemplary models. Elements of urban composition. Morphology, typology and infrastructure.

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG01. Capacidad de análisis y síntesis 
  • CG02. Capacidad de organización y planificación 
  • CG03. Comunicación oral y escrita en la lengua nativa 
  • CG04. Conocimiento de una lengua extranjera 
  • CG05. Conocimientos de informática relativos al ámbito de estudio 
  • CG06. Capacidad de gestión de la información 
  • CG07. Resolución de problemas 
  • CG08. Toma de decisiones 
  • CG09. Trabajo en equipo 
  • CG10. Trabajo en un equipo de carácter interdisciplinar 
  • CG11. Trabajo en un contexto internacional 
  • CG12. Habilidades en las relaciones interpersonales 
  • CG13. Reconocimiento de la diversidad y la multiculturalidad 
  • CG14. Razonamiento crítico 
  • CG15. Compromiso ético 
  • CG16. Aprendizaje autónomo 
  • CG17. Adaptación a nuevas situaciones 
  • CG18. Creatividad 
  • CG19. Liderazgo 
  • CG20. Conocimiento de otras culturas y costumbres 

Specific competences

  • CE10. Aptitud para: a) Elaborar programas funcionales de edificios y espacios urbanos; b) Intervenir en y conservar, restaurar y rehabilitar el patrimonio construido; c) Suprimir barreras arquitectónicas; d) Ejercer la crítica arquitectónica; e) Resolver el acondicionamiento ambiental pasivo, incluyendo el aislamiento térmico y acústico, el control climático, el rendimiento energético y la iluminación natural; f) Catalogar el patrimonio edificado y urbano y planificar su protección. 
  • CE11. Capacidad para: a) Realizar proyectos de seguridad, evacuación y protección en inmuebles; b) Redactar proyectos de obra civil; c) Diseñar y ejecutar trazados urbanos y proyectos de urbanización, jardinería y paisaje; d) Aplicar normas y ordenanzas urbanísticas; e) Elaborar estudios medioambientales, paisajísticos y de corrección de impactos ambientales. 
  • CE12. Conocimiento adecuado de: a) Las teorías generales de la forma, la composición y los tipos arquitectónicos; b) La historia general de la arquitectura; c) Los métodos de estudio de los procesos de simbolización, las funciones prácticas y la ergonomía; d) Los métodos de estudio de las necesidades sociales, la calidad de vida, la habitabilidad y los programas básicos de vivienda; e) La ecología, la sostenibilidad y los principios de conservación de recursos energéticos y medioambientales; f) Las tradiciones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y paisajísticas de la cultura occidental, así como de sus fundamentos técnicos, climáticos, económicos, sociales e ideológicos; g) La estética y la teoría e historia de las bellas artes y las artes aplicadas; h) La relación entre los patrones culturales y las responsabilidades sociales del arquitecto; i) Las bases de la arquitectura vernácula; j) La sociología, teoría, economía e historia urbanas; k) Los fundamentos metodológicos del planeamiento urbano y la ordenación territorial y metropolitana; l) Los mecanismos de redacción y gestión de los planes urbanísticos a cualquier escala. 
  • CE50. Aptitud para la concepción, la práctica y desarrollo de: a) Proyectos urbanos y planeamiento urbanístico. 
  • CE51. Aptitud para: a) Elaborar programas funcionales de espacios urbanos; b) Intervenir en y conservar, restaurar y rehabilitar el patrimonio construido; c) Suprimir barreras arquitectónicas; d) Catalogar el patrimonio edificado y urbano y planificar su protección. 
  • CE52. Capacidad para: a) Diseñar y ejecutar trazados urbanos y proyectos de urbanización, jardinería y paisaje; b) Aplicar normas y ordenanzas urbanísticas; c) Elaborar estudios medioambientales, paisajísticos y de corrección de impactos ambientales. 
  • CE53. Conocimiento adecuado de: a) Las teorías generales de la forma, la composición y los tipos arquitectónicos; b) Los métodos de estudio de las necesidades sociales, la calidad de vida, la habitabilidad y los programas básicos de vivienda; c) La ecología, la sostenibilidad y los principios de conservación de recursos energéticos y medioambientales; d) Las tradiciones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y paisajísticas de la cultura occidental, así como de sus fundamentos técnicos, climáticos, económicos, sociales e ideológicos; e) La relación entre los patrones culturales y las responsabilidades sociales del arquitecto; f) Las bases de la arquitectura vernácula; g) La sociología, teoría, economía e historia urbanas; h) Los fundamentos metodológicos del planeamiento urbano y la ordenación territorial y metropolitana; i) Los mecanismos de redacción y gestión de los planes urbanísticos a cualquier escala; j) Topografía, hipsometría y cartografía y las técnicas de modificación del terreno. 

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

At the end of this subject the student should have:

  • Aptitude for the conception, practice and development of urban projects and urban planning.
  • Ability to remove architectural barriers.
  • Capacity to design and execute urban layouts and urban development projects, gardening and landscape projects.
  • Adequate knowledge of the general theories of form, composition and architectural types; methods for studying social needs, quality of life, habitability and basic housing programmes; habitability and basic housing programmes; architectural traditions, and landscape traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climatic, economic and social foundations; the relationship between cultural patterns and social responsibilities of the architect; the foundations of vernacular architecture; urban sociology, theory, economics, and history; the methodological foundations of urban planning and territorial and metropolitan planning. Topography, isometry and cartography and land modification techniques.

Detailed syllabus


Theoretical lines:

  • L1. Forms of urban growth
  • L2. Theory of urban composition
  • L3. Mobility
  • L4. Connection-Relationship
  • L5. Land architecture
  • L6. The nearby city
  • L7. Residential fragments

Theoretical lessons:

Lessons associated with each theoretical line L1-L7 will be given in which their different contents will be presented. During the lessons, references will be given to the students, so that the classroom explanation can be understood by means of the necessary consultation and research by the students, which will facilitate the theoretical-practical relationship, as well as the subsequent development of the course project in the classroom-workshop part. Attendance at the theoretical lessons is compulsory.



The workshop hours in the classroom following the theoretical part will be devoted to work on the project. In the workshop, the work on paper and working models will be advanced and discussed. All the phases of the project have to be submitted on the dates foreseen in the course calendar.


A proposal for an urban intervention will be made through various phases and scales, giving priority to the intermediate scale, which must take into account the concepts dealt with in the theoretical lines and lessons.


Basic reading list

  • DE SOLÀ-MORALES, Manuel. LUB. Las formas del crecimiento urbano. Ediciones UPC, Barcelona, 1993.
  • DE SOLÀ-MORALES, Manuel. LUB. De cosas urbanas. Ediciones UPC, Barcelona, 2008.

Complementary reading

Urban project:

  • “Las siedlungen alemanas de los años XX” José Luis Sáinz Guerra
  • “Diseño de barrios residenciales”, “Vivienda y espacio público” J. C Kirschenman
  • “Un urbanismo de cosas” Manuel de Solá-Morales
  • “Housing in Europa”
  • "Vinex Atlas" Mensink y Boeijenga .
  • “Density projets” Fernández Per, Aurora y Arpa, Javier.
  • “Dbook density data diagrams dwellings” Fernández Per, Aurora Mozas, Javier y Arpa, Javier.
  • “¡El tiempo construye!”. F. García-Huidobro. GG
  • “Atlas of Ducht Urban Block”. AAVV. Thoth
  • “Ecourbanismo. Entornos humanos sostenibles: 60 proyectos”. M. Ruano GG
  • “Megaestructuras”. R. Banham GG
  • “Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin 1987. Project Report”. AAVV Ed. IBA 1987
  • “Nuevos espacios urbanos” Gehl, Jan y Gemzoe, Lars
  • “S,M,L,XL”. - R. Koolhaas. Jenifer Sigler
  • “De la gare a la ville”. AAVV Silvana Editorriale
  • “El crecimiento de las ciudades” Lewis,David.
  • “El diseño de vías urbanas” Maccluskey
  • “La calle, problemas de diseño y estructura”. Anderson
  • “Streets and patterns”. S Marshall
  • “Ciudades: X formas”, BUSQUETS, J. (2006), Rovereto: Nicolodi.


  • “The new urbanism” P. Katz
  • “Los ensanches”. M de Solá Morales
  • “Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna”. L. Benevolo GG
  • “La metrópolis como ciudad jardín Hilberseimer y Mies”. LLOBET, X. (2007). Barna:
  • “The American City”. A. Garvin. McGrawHill
  • “The seduction of place” J. Rikwert
  • “Ciudades del mañana” Peter Hall
  • “Nuevas ciudades” E. Galantay


  • “El proyecto de la calle sin nombre”. J Sabaté
  • “La urbanización marginal”. BUSQUETS, Joan (1999) Barcelona: Ed. UPC.
  • “El espacio público: ciudad y ciudadanía”. Jordi Borja y Aida Muxí. Electa
  • “Lo urbano en 20 autores contemporáneos”. A. Martín Ramos. UPC
  • “Acupuntura urbana”. J. Lerner. IAAC
  • “La transformación de la ciudad” K. Powel
  • “Ciudades para un pequeño planeta”. R. Rogers. GG
  • “La libertad de habitar”. J. Robert. Habitat Internacional Coalition
  • “El espacio público: ciudad y ciudadanía” Borja, Jordi y Muxi, Zaida
  • “Rehacer paisajes” Rosell, Quim y otros
  • “Compendio de arquitectura urbana”, Spreiregen
  • AUGÉ, Marc (1995) Los no lugares, espacios del anonimato, una antropología de la sobremodernidad, Barcelona: Gedisa.
  • QUARONI, Ludovico (1970) La torre de Babel, Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
  • BERGER, Alan. Drosscape. Wasting land in Urban America. Princeton Architectural Press. New York. 2006.
  • McLEAN, Alex S. (2003), La fotografía del territorio. Barcelona: GG.
  • MUÑOZ,F. Urbanalización. Paisajes comunes, lugares globales, G. Gili, Barcelona, 2008.

Recommended links

Teaching support websites used:

  • (preferably)

Teaching methods

  • MD01. Lección magistral/expositiva 
  • MD02. Sesiones de discusión y debate 
  • MD03. Resolución de problemas y estudio de casos prácticos 
  • MD07. Seminarios 
  • MD08. Ejercicios de simulación 
  • MD09. Análisis de fuentes y documentos 
  • MD10. Realización de trabajos en grupo 
  • MD11. Realización de trabajos individuales 

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

Following the recommendations of the CRUE and the Secretariat for Inclusion and Diversity of the UGR, the systems of acquisition and evaluation of competences included in this teaching guide will be applied according to the principle of design for all people, facilitating the learning and the demonstration of knowledge according to the needs and functional diversity of the students.

Assessment criteria:

  • EV-C1: Mastery of the contents, theoretical and practical, and their critical elaboration.
  • EV-C2: Assessment of the work carried out, individually or as part of a team, paying attention to presentation, writing and clarity of ideas, graphics, structure and scientific level, creativity, justification of the arguments, capacity and richness of the critique made, and updating level of the bibliography.
  • EV-C3: Degree of implementation and attitude of students as shown in their participation in consultations, presentations and debates, as well as in the preparation of individual or teamwork, and in the sharing sessions.
  • EV-C4: Classroom attendance, seminars, conferences, tutorials, group sessions.
  • Assessment instruments:
  • EV-I1: Written tests: essay, short answer, objective, cases or assumptions, problem solving.
  • EV-I2: Oral tests: presentation of work (individual or in groups), interviews, debates.
  • EV-I3: Graphic tests, short or extensive, with descriptive, analytical and/or problem-solving answers.
  • EV-I4: Works, reports, studies, reports, etc.

The evaluation of the teaching experience will be carried out by the students who have followed the course. A critical assessment will be made of the fundamental aspects that need to be improved (theoretical-practical organisation, contents, activities, tools, approaches...), and suggestions for renewing the training experience in urban planning in subsequent courses will be proposed. This evaluation will be carried out at least once at the end of the course and, if deemed necessary, also at mid-course. This evaluation may be carried out and presented openly in class or anonymously and in writing.

Percentage of the final grade:

Project (by phases): Situation (20%), Masterplan (30%) and Project (50%); TOTAL: 100%. Important note: It will be necessary to pass Masterplan and Project.

Extraordinary assessment session

It will consist of the presentation of the work (phased project) defined in the teaching guide and detailed in the course detailed in the course outline.

Single final assessment

It will consist of the presentation of the work (phased project) defined in the teaching guide and:

Face-to-face activities (40%) (depending on the scenario, they may be non-face-to-face).

AF1: Lectures (Theoretical-expository classes, in large groups).

  • Description: Classroom presentation of the fundamental concepts and development of the proposed contents. Explanation of the thematic contents to the large group by the teaching staff or invited professional specialists.

AF2: Practical activities (Practical classes or working groups).

  • Description: Activities through which the aim is to show students how to act on the basis of the application of the knowledge acquired.

AF3: Seminars

  • Description: Attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops, congresses, talks on subjects related to the subject, which provoke debate and reflection in students.

AF4: Individual non-face-to-face activities (Autonomous work and individual study)

  • Description: Carrying out activities aimed at the study and development of work, as well as the search, review and analysis of documents, databases, web pages, etc. All of them related to the subject matter of the course, which in turn serve to support learning.

AF5: Non-face-to-face group activities (study and group work).

  • Description: Development of teamwork related to work in seminars and workshops.

AF6: Academic tutorials.

  • Description: Periodic individual and/or group meetings between the teaching staff and the students to guide. supervise and orientate the different academic activities proposed.

Additional information



  • CG01 - Analytical and synthesis skills
  • GC02 - Organisational and planning skills
  • GC03 - Oral and written communication in the native language
  • GC04 - Knowledge of a foreign language
  • GC05 - Computer skills related to the field of study
  • GC06 - Information management skills
  • GC07 - Problem solving
  • GC08 - Decision-making
  • GC09 - Teamwork
  • GC10 - Working in an interdisciplinary team
  • GC11 - Working in an international context
  • GC12 - Skills in interpersonal relations
  • GC13 - Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism
  • GC14 - Critical thinking
  • GC15 - Ethical commitment
  • GC16 - Autonomous learning
  • GC17 - Adapting to new situations
  • GC18 - Creativity
  • GC19 - Leadership
  • GC20 - Knowledge of other cultures and customs


CE10 - Ability to: a) Draw up functional programmes for buildings and urban spaces; b) Intervene in and conserve, restore and rehabilitate the built heritage; c) Remove architectural barriers; d) Exercise architectural criticism; e) Solve the passive environmental conditioning, including thermal and acoustic insulation, climate control, energy efficiency and daylighting; f) Catalogue the built and urban heritage and plan its protection.

CE11 - Capacity to: a) Carry out security, evacuation and protection projects in buildings; b) Draw up civil work projects; c) Design and execute urban layouts and urbanisation, gardening and landscape projects; d) Apply urban planning regulations and by-laws; (e) Drawing up environmental, landscape and environmental impact correction studies.

CE12 - Adequate knowledge of: a) The general theories of architectural form, composition and types; b) The general history of architecture; c) Methods for the study of symbolisation processes, practical functions and ergonomics; d) Methods for the study of social needs, quality of life, habitability and basic housing programmes; e) Ecology, sustainability, and the principles of conservation of energy and environmental resources; (f) The architectural, town planning and landscape traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundations; g) Aesthetics and the theory and history of fine and applied arts; h) The relationship between cultural patterns and social responsibilities of the architect; i) The foundations of vernacular architecture; j) Urban sociology, theory, economics and history; k) The methodological foundations of urban planning and territorial and metropolitan development; l) The mechanisms of drafting and managing urban plans at any scale.

CE50 - Aptitude for the conception, practice and development of: a) Urban projects and urban planning.

CE51 - Ability to: a) Elaborate functional programmes of urban spaces; b) Intervene in and conserve, restore and rehabilitate built heritage; c) Remove architectural barriers; d) Catalogue the built and urban heritage and plan its protection.

CE52 - Ability to: a) Design and execute urban layouts and urbanisation, gardening and landscape projects; b) Apply urban planning regulations and by-laws; c) Prepare environmental, landscaping and environmental impact correction studies.

CE53 - Adequate knowledge of:

a) The general theories of form, composition and architectural types; b) Methods for studying social needs, quality of life, habitability and basic housing programmes; c) Ecology, sustainability and the principles of conservation of energy and environmental resources; d) Architectural, urban planning and landscape traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundations; (e) The relationship between cultural patterns and social responsibilities of the architect; (f) The foundations of vernacular architecture; (g) Urban sociology, theory, economics and history; (h) The methodological foundations of urban planning and territorial and metropolitan planning; (i) The mechanisms of drafting and management urban plans at all scales; j) Topography, hypsometry and cartography and the techniques of mapping and land modification techniques.


  • MD01 - Lecture/exhibition
  • MD02 - Discussion and debate sessions
  • MD03 - Problem solving and practical case studies
  • MD07 - Seminars
  • MD08 - Simulation exercises
  • MD09 - Analysis of sources and documents
  • MD10 - Group work
  • MD11 - Individual work

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